Advancement of graduate careers research, knowledge and services for HE continues through the launch of the Careers Research Grant 2025, explains Chris Rea, Prospects' head of strategic relationships at Jisc
Jisc has launched the Careers Research Grant 2025 to support and advance the interests of front-line careers services staff.
A fund of £50,000 is available to all HE and FE Jisc members in 2025 with up to £5,000 for each project. Information and application forms are now available to download and they can be submitted from 2 January to 28 March 2025.
The grant is designed to help careers practitioners conduct research, disseminate findings and improve the careers support for students and graduates. Projects should contribute to one or more of the following themes:
- The advancement of education of prospective students, students and graduates (at all levels) of Jisc members
- The career development and progression of students and graduates
- The professional practices of careers advisory and other staff
- The development of innovative ways of careers or employability-based working
- The creation of knowledge about student and graduate career development, employment, destinations and learning.
Investment in careers advancement
The grant's history goes back decades. Prior to the merger of HECSU and Jisc, £50,000 was available annually to careers services subscribing to HECSU with hundreds of projects supported and investment nearing £1m.
More than 20 projects have been funded since Jisc took over the fund in 2022. The latest studies explore some of the most pertinent issues affecting students right now including the University of Bradford's examination of how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting commuter students' career decision-making and transition into work.
Meanwhile Arden University and CareerChat studied how a careers chatbot might enhance student support within higher education.
And Leeds Arts University explored how to empower creative students and graduates when it comes to their workplace wellbeing and knowledge of their workplace rights.
Jisc Careers Research Grant 2024 recipients
Careers practitioners looking for inspiration could start by looking at the latest successful submissions. These projects have been funded as part of the 2024 grant and will be available in Luminate reports within the next 12 months.
- Manchester Metropolitan University - tackling racial equity on awarding and employability gaps within higher education, with an EDI career mentoring scheme.
- Lancaster University - how do students find out about employment opportunities?
- Northumbria University - designing a research informed student inclusion guide and toolkit for employability practitioners.
- Queen's University Belfast - exploring informational interviews in supporting non-linear career students from graduate to workplace identity.
- Robert Gordon University - articulating perceived skills gaps in the graduate CV.
- University of Bradford - improving employability prospects of widening participation and underrepresented students with overseas placements.
- University of Gloucestershire – a student perspective of enterprise, entrepreneurship and employability.
- University of Hertfordshire - international students seeking employment within the UK.
- University of Huddersfield - postgraduate careers and co-creation in HE.
- University of Sussex - increasing the engagement of students with a mental health condition in work experience through a carefully designed ‘faculty to careers consultant' referral process.
- University of York - exploring the attitudes of employers recruiting in the York and North Yorkshire area to applicant use of AI in recruitment and graduate roles.
Visit Jisc Careers Research Grant for more information and to download an application form or email queries to
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